Sameera Industries

Welcome To Sameera Industries

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Years Of Experience


Company Information

We are a leading manufacturer of guar gum splits, powder, and meal, based in Pakistan. Since 2018, we have been providing high-quality guar gum products for various industries, including food, technical, and oil drilling. Our experienced team and commitment to sustainability ensure you receive the best products and services.
Our Story and Commitment to Quality-
Established in 2018, SGI is built on a foundation of experience and a dedication to providing exceptional guar gum products. Our founders have a long history in the guar gum industry and chemical business, bringing their expertise to every aspect of our operations. We are committed to using sustainable practices throughout our production process, ensuring the highest quality for our customers while minimizing our environmental impact.

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Team Members

The Diverse Applications of Guar Gum

Our Applications

Guar gum is a versatile ingredient with a wide range of applications across various industries. From thickening food products to enhancing oilfield drilling efficiency, guar gum plays a vital role in numerous processes. Explore the diverse applications of our guar gum products and discover how they can benefit your business.

Baked Foods

Used As A Moisture Retention Agent Sand As A Dough Conditioner In Baked Foods.

Dairy Products

It Prevents Syneresis In The Cheese Formation. Guar Gum Improves Texture, Tenderness And Maintains Colour

Meat Product

Guar Acts As A Binder And Lubricants In The Manufacturing Of Variety Of Meat Products

Frozen Foods

In Frozen Foods It Controls Crystal Growth, Prevents Moisture Loss, Reduces Freezer Ban

A Strict Focus On

Our Team Of Qualified Professionals Ensures That High Quality Standards Are Maintained Throughout The Production Process.


Sameera Industries

Sameera Industries is delighted to announce that it is fully certified by USDA/NOP, ensuring access to the finest organic products available.

What does this certification entail and why is it significant? In 1990, the U.S. Congress enacted the Organic Foods Production Act, mandating the USDA to establish stringent standards for organic agricultural products. The USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) certifies agricultural products as either 100% organic or organic (containing at least 95% organic ingredients).

But what does being certified organic truly signify? It means that the agricultural product has been cultivated without the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers. Organic products undergo minimal processing and are free from artificial ingredients, preservatives, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Why does NOP certification matter? It safeguards consumers against deceitful business practices and empowers them to opt for genuinely organic products. As awareness about the risks associated with consuming toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers grows, the demand for organic products continues to surge. According to the Organic Trade Association, total organic sales in the U.S. witnessed a 21% increase in 2006 alone. The popularity of organic products will undoubtedly continue to rise as more individuals recognize the importance of embracing a natural, chemical-free lifestyle.